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biblioteca digital com o apoio da
Human Blood Groups

Autor(es): Geoff Daniels
Editor: Wiley-Blackwell
Edição: 3
Ano de publicação: 2013
Idioma: eng
ISBN: 9781118493540
Numero de páginas: 560
Disponibilidade e condições:
grupodisponibilidadereservasduração da licença
geral 1 / 1 0 5 dia(s)

This new edition of an essential text for all those working within transfusion and blood banking is now even more biologically and clinically relevant, incorporating the latest information on the genes for various blood groups and including greater content on the functional significance of blood groups. The book covers techniques used in blood grouping, troubleshooting and quality assurance and integrates serology with molecular biology, marrying the basic understanding at the genetic level with a cellular understanding of the red blood cell membrane. Now in full colour throughout.



Some abbreviations used

1 Human Blood Groups: Introduction

2 ABO, H, and Lewis systems

3 MNS Blood Group System

4 P1PK, Globoside, and FORS blood group systems, plus some other related blood groups

5 Rh and RHAG Blood Group Systems

6 Lutheran Blood Group System

7 Kell and Kx Blood Group Systems

8 Duffy Blood Group System

9 Kidd Blood Group System

10 Diego Blood Group System
11 Yt Blood Group System

12 Xg Blood Group System

13 Scianna Blood Group System
14 Dombrock Blood Group System
15 Colton Blood Group System

16 LW Blood Group System

17 Chido/Rodgers Blood Group System
18 Gerbich Blood Group System

19 Cromer Blood Group System

20 Knops Blood Group System and the Cost Antigens

21 Indian Blood Group System and the AnWj Antigen

22 Ok Blood Group System

23 Raph Blood Group System

24 JMH Blood Group System

25 I and i antigens, and cold agglutination

26 Gill Blood Group System

27 Langereis and Junior blood group systems

28 Er Antigens

29 Low Frequency Antigens

30 High Frequency Antigens, including Vel

31 Sid Antigen

32 HLA (Human Leucocyte-Associated) Class I antigens on red cells

33 Polyagglutination and Cryptantigens


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